a) In accordance with its mission of providing a secure future for the underprivileged children SAIKRIPA’S future plans revolve around improving and expanding the home and institutions already being operated by it. More specifically, SAIKRIPA would like to get its school affiliated to The Central Board of Secondary Education and provide integrated facility for basic education. For this, our major requirement is land where a proper campus can be set up with residential quarters for children and the school.
b). Since most of the children in the project area are from the economically backward section of the society and higher studies would be beyond the reach of many of these children, Saikripa proposes to provide training in vocational activities like tailoring, bakery, electronics, computers, beauty culture etc. for the benefit of the underprivileged children. This training will enable the students to find a suitable job, attain competency in their respective fields and will create a footing for their future.
(c) We have, on many occasions, come across senior citizens who find themselves without any shelter in Noida as most homes run for senior citizens charge some fee which they cannot afford. Saikripa therefore wishes to set up a home where even those without any resources can take shelter